Can I Sue Someone for Running a Red Light and Hitting Me?

By Harold Dwin on November 12, 2021 | In Auto Accidents

Legal Options Available for Red Light Accident Victims

Running a red light is extremely dangerous and could easily lead to a severe injury accident. A driver who goes through an intersection on a red light risks causing a head-on, T-bone, or another type of collision.

Accident claims involving red-light runners are often complex due to disputes over who had the red or green light. Legal help is available if you need to pursue legal action against someone who ran a red light.

The Maryland car accident lawyers at Cohen & Dwin, P.A., have more than 100 years of combined experience, and we are ready to go to work for you. Learn more by calling our office for a free initial consultation.

What Are the Laws on Running a Red Light in Maryland?

The laws on running red lights in Maryland are the same as those in most of the United States. Maryland drivers are not allowed to proceed through an intersection on a red light. The state allows the use of red-light cameras to enforce the law.

While Maryland drivers are allowed to turn right at a red light or turn left from a one-way street onto another one-way street, they can do so only after coming to a full stop and ensuring it’s safe to turn.

Penalties Involved in Violation of Law

Running a red light is punishable by a fine and a citation under Maryland law. However, if someone injures or kills someone in a collision while running a red light, they could face additional civil and criminal penalties. Running a red light is also a form of negligence, which your lawyer could use to help build a case for compensation through an insurance claim or civil lawsuit.

Can I Sue Someone for Running a Red Light and Hitting Me?

If you’ve been injured by a driver who ran a red light, you could file a claim against them for compensation. Running a red light is a form of negligence because drivers must follow traffic laws and do their best to avoid injuring others on the roads. While running a red light is a criminal offense, you can file a separate civil lawsuit regardless of whether the driver is ever convicted or even charged with a traffic violation.

Recovering Compensation from a Red Light Accident

Drivers and passengers injured in red light accidents can seek compensation from those liable for their injuries. This potentially includes payment for:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages and reduced ability to earn a living
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Damaged personal property

If you want the best possible chance of recovering fair compensation for your injuries, make sure to get help from a Maryland car accident attorney.

Statistics on Red Light Accidents

Here are a few key statistics about red light accidents from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS):

  • Across the United States, 846 people died in red light accidents in one recent year.
  • An estimated 143,000 people were injured in red light accidents that year.
  • About 31 percent of drivers reported speeding through a red light in the past 30 days, according to one study quoted by the IIHS.

Get the Legal Help You Need

The experienced car accident lawyers at Cohen & Dwin are here to help if you’ve been hurt in a red light crash in Maryland. Contact our office today for your free initial consultation.

Attorney Harold Dwin

Attorney Harold P. Dwin, co-founder of Baltimore premier law firm Cohen & Dwin, P.A., is proud to be able to help clients in need by simplifying complex legal matters and solving legal problems that cause immeasurable stress.