In a single recent year, more than 3,300 people died in traffic accidents where distracted driving was a contributing factor, accounting for 8 percent of all fatal car crashes, according to national crash data. Of these fatalities, just over 400… read more

Broken Glass Injuries from a Car Accident

By Cohen & Dwin, P.A. on July 30, 2024
In Auto Accidents

When many people think about car accident-related injuries, they think of those caused by blunt force trauma, such as broken bones, whiplash, and concussions. However, impact force can also shatter glass, turning it into dangerous shrapnel that can slash faces,… read more

If you are injured on the job in Maryland, you could be eligible for benefits through your employer’s workers’ compensation insurance. However, avoiding mistakes is crucial for a successful workers’ compensation claim. Successful workers’ compensation claims secure benefits to cover… read more

If you’re filing a personal injury lawsuit to pursue compensation after you were hurt in an accident someone else caused in Maryland, you may not realize that you can get money for subjective losses like pain and suffering. These types… read more

Maryland drivers are involved in about 3,000 crashes with pedestrians every year. Pedestrian accidents are almost always catastrophic for the person on foot, resulting in devastating injuries and even fatalities. If you were injured in a pedestrian accident in Maryland, it is… read more

Did you suffer passenger injuries while riding in a vehicle involved in a drunk driving accident in Maryland? If so, you have rights and options to pursue financial compensation for what you’ve suffered. Our experienced car accident lawyers can help you assert… read more

Being involved in a car accident in Baltimore can be uniquely stressful if the car isn’t yours. A rental car crash introduces complications you’d be less likely to encounter if the vehicle were your own. You could face two parties,… read more

The Deadliest Highway Stretches in Maryland

By Harold Dwin on April 15, 2024
In Auto Accidents

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) reports that around 500 people suffer fatal crash injuries in Maryland traffic accidents every year, and around 25,000 to 30,000 people sustain injuries. Any time you travel in a motor vehicle, there is a… read more

Is Jaywalking Legal in Maryland?

By Harold Dwin on February 6, 2024
In Personal Injury

You won’t find the word “jaywalking” in Maryland state laws, but there are penalties for pedestrians who cross the street illegally. Jaywalking, or improper road crossing, can lead to injuries or loss of life, with an average of 125 pedestrians… read more

Who Is at Fault for a U-Turn Accident?

By Harold Dwin on December 11, 2023
In Auto Accidents

U-turns are a part of everyday driving, but they can quickly become dangerous if not handled properly. If you’ve been injured in a U-turn accident someone else caused in Maryland, you could be entitled to compensation for your accident-related injuries… read more