Workers’ Compensation vs. Personal Injury
By Ann Wittik-Bravmann on January 23, 2019 | In Personal Injury

When you are injured on the job, it is important to understand all of your options. The Baltimore workers’ compensation lawyers at Cohen & Dwin are here to help. Working personally with you to fully understand your accident and your injuries, we can help you determine if workers’ comp or a personal injury lawsuit will best meet your needs.
To schedule your free consultation at one of our seven Maryland locations, call (800) 692-2500 today. If your injury prohibits travel, one of our attorneys will come to you.
Workers’ comp is a no-fault insurance carried by a majority of Maryland employers. When an employee is injured, workers’ comp will provide coverage for medical expenses, a portion of lost wages, and travel costs until the employee is able to return to work. Workers’ compensation can be sought even when no clearly liable party is identifiable.
Personal injury lawsuits can be filed when there is a clearly liable party, but are uncommon following workplace accidents. However, when an accident occurs on a construction site or in cases where workers’ comp would be grossly inadequate, legal action is often the better route. In both personal injury and workers’ comp cases, having a skilled lawyer on your side is essential for optimal results.
To schedule your free consultation with one of our experienced Maryland attorneys, please contact Cohen & Dwin today.

Ann Wittik-Bravmann became a lawyer because she desired to help people. She enjoys working at Cohen & Dwin, P.A. as an associate attorney practicing in the field of workers’ compensation law and personal injury law because it gives her the opportunity to help people that are injured.