Field Testing for Narcotics
By Harold Dwin on January 23, 2019 | In Criminal Law

Have you been arrested and charged with possession of drugs based on a field test performed by local law enforcement? If so, you should be aware that a recent study has found nearly 70 percent of these tests provide false positives and results are frequently contradictory to those obtained through chemical testing at authorized state testing facilities.
If you have been charged with drug possession, you need an experienced criminal defense attorney on your side. The Maryland drug possession attorneys at Cohen & Dwin are here to thoroughly investigate all circumstances and evidence surrounding your arrest, and to help ensure you are provided the aggressive and dedicated representation you are entitled to.
The fact that field tests often produce false positives is somewhat of an open secret. While many people are aware of this, prosecutors and law enforcement continue to use these questionable results as the basis for many drug-related charges. You deserve better than to be subject to faulty evidence. Our attorneys are here to stand by your side, fight for your rights, and help ensure real justice is served.
If you are in need of a drug possession attorney in Maryland, please contact Cohen & Dwin today. We maintain offices in Baltimore and several other Maryland communities to better serve people living throughout our state.

Attorney Harold P. Dwin, co-founder of Baltimore premier law firm Cohen & Dwin, P.A., is proud to be able to help clients in need by simplifying complex legal matters and solving legal problems that cause immeasurable stress.