
Did you suffer passenger injuries while riding in a vehicle involved in a drunk driving accident in Maryland? If so, you have rights and options to pursue financial compensation for what you’ve suffered. Our experienced car accident lawyers can help you assert… read more

Being involved in a car accident in Baltimore can be uniquely stressful if the car isn’t yours. A rental car crash introduces complications you’d be less likely to encounter if the vehicle were your own. You could face two parties,… read more

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) reports that around 500 people suffer fatal crash injuries in Maryland traffic accidents every year, and around 25,000 to 30,000 people sustain injuries. Any time you travel in a motor vehicle, there is a… read more

Who Is at Fault for a U-Turn Accident?

By Harold Dwin on December 11, 2023 In Auto Accidents

U-turns are a part of everyday driving, but they can quickly become dangerous if not handled properly. If you’ve been injured in a U-turn accident someone else caused in Maryland, you could be entitled to compensation for your accident-related injuries… read more

Insurance can help make you whole again following an accident by covering the cost of your reasonable medical expenses and car repairs. However, what happens when your financial losses are greater than the other driver’s car insurance limits? Do you… read more

A traffic collision in Maryland could give you grounds for filing a car accident claim with either the other driver’s insurance provider or your own, providing you with compensation for the injuries and related losses you have suffered.  How to… read more

If you drive in Baltimore, you have probably noticed some motorcycle riders driving between traffic lanes. You may have wondered, can they do that legally?  What Is Lane Splitting? Lane splitting is when a motorcyclist rides between two lanes of… read more

Almost every new vehicle today comes with cruise control. While this feature can be convenient for drivers, especially on long road trips, this technology could also cause devastating accidents if it malfunctions or is misused.  What Is Cruise Control? There… read more

How Drinking Affects Driving Ability

By Harold Dwin on February 18, 2022 In Auto Accidents

All motorists should understand the dangers of drunk driving. Driving while intoxicated is unsafe, illegal, and potentially deadly. However, while the repercussions are clear, many people still don’t fully understand how alcohol can significantly impact a person’s cognitive abilities and… read more

If you were injured in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence, you might be eligible to seek compensation from the at-fault party through an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit. If anyone witnessed the accident, their testimony could… read more