Maryland Workers Comp: Broken Bones

By Andrew Rodabaugh on August 29, 2018
In Workers' Compensation

Despite safety precautions, many workers are injured on the job. Among the most common types of workplace injuries are broken bones. Anything from a fall from scaffolding to getting crushed in machinery can result in broken bones for a worker. In Baltimore,… read more

Hands-Free Technology and Car Accidents

By Ioana David on May 8, 2018
In Accidents

Texting on a handheld device while driving in Maryland is illegal. In May of this year, legislators even increased fines associated with this offense in cases where the action causes serious injury or death. This focus on handheld distraction is necessary as… read more

In the state of Maryland, you cannot be arrested for turning around when you see a DUI checkpoint. However, turning around may rouse suspicion and, if it is determined you have violated a traffic law in doing so, officers may… read more

Do Texting Drivers Cause Traffic Accidents?

By Ioana David on February 15, 2018
In Accidents

Now more than ever drivers and pedestrians are in harm’s way because of distracted driving.  Texting occurs every second of every day and a reported 171.1 billion text messages have been sent in the U.S. since the inception of “texting.” At… read more

Increase in Truck Traffic a Concern

By Ioana David on February 15, 2018
In Personal Injury

Over the past 20 years, truck traffic in the Baltimore metropolitan region, especially the Northeast Corridor, has experienced unparalleled growth. The Baltimore Metropolitan Council predicts a 30 percent increase in truck traffic in the area over the next two decades…. read more

Impact of Icy Roads Lasts Well into Summer

By Ioana David on February 15, 2018
In Personal Injury

Icy roads can contribute significantly to auto accidents. Your car’s ability to maneuver depends on friction with the road, and when the roads are icy, that friction can drop to practically zero. Sometimes even driving slowly is not enough to… read more

With increased celebration and travel for the holidays, December is an appropriate time to observe National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. This effort by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) is… read more

Curbing Police Brutality

By Harold Dwin on February 15, 2018
In Personal Injury

Following a six-month investigation conducted by The Baltimore Sun, Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Police Commissioner Anthony W. Batts have unveiled a plan to curb police brutality in our city. According to The Sun, civil actions taken against multiple police officers… read more

Child Pedestrian Accidents

By Ioana David on February 15, 2018
In Personal Injury

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 73% of all pedestrian accidents take place in urban settings like Baltimore. This, of course, makes sense – more pedestrians and vehicles sharing an often frantically paced area can’t help but result in more… read more

The Coming Storm: Safe Winter Driving Habits

By Ioana David on February 15, 2018
In Personal Injury

As we prepare for the next winter storm, the Baltimore personal injury attorneys at Cohen & Dwin would like to encourage you to practice safe winter driving habits. Remember, when visibility is limited and conditions are wet and icy, avoiding… read more